Scenes of Joshua Tree National Park

We spent two days in the park, on the first day going from along the road at the north end all the way to Cottonwood and the wash almost at the southern boundary. The seond day we hiked the Split Rock trail and in Hidden Valley, with lots of stops along the way.

Desert Senna
Desert Senna
Brittle Bush
Brittle Bush
Desert Dandelions
Desert Dandelions
Prince's Plume
Prince's Plume
Mojave Yuccas
Mojave Yuccas
California native palm trees
California native palm trees
Brittle Bush in dry river bed
Brittle Bush in dry river bed
Smoke Tree
Smoke Tree
Senna at Cholla Forest
Senna at Cholla Forest
Split Rock
Split Rock
Joshua Trees
Joshua Trees
Split Rock Trail
Split Rock Trail
Joshua Trees in Hidden Valley
Joshua Trees in Hidden Valley
Carpet of Desert Dandelions
Carpet of Desert Dandelions